Child Care Data Resources

Find statistics and reports on children and families.
This website will provide county by county analysis for selected variables for all counties in the state. The analyses can be conducted by selecting up to four variables from a list of main categories that include: economics, education, government, health, housing, labor, population, public assistance, transportation, and vital statistics.
This website provides demographic data for all 159 counties in Georgia. This information is researched and compiled by the University of Georgia and is updated frequently as new demographic data is released.
This website provides hundreds of measures of child well-being nationally, state by state, and by county. The measures include, but are not limited to: low birth weight, teen births, students who graduate from high school, substantiated incidence of child abuse and/or neglect, and unemployment. The site is interactive and allows the user to create profiles, maps, rankings, line graphs, and raw data.
This website offers easy access to statistics and reports on children and families. This includes: family and social environment, economic circumstances, health care, physical environment and safety, behavior, education and health.