DFCS notifies clients about breach of confidential information
October 15, 2009
ATLANTA (GA) – The Division of Family and Children Services is informing a number of current and former clients of a breach of confidential records that may expose personal employee information. As a precaution, DFCS is urging these clients to review all credit records and other financial account information for any suspicious activity. Affected clients will receive a letter from the County Department explaining the situation and recommending they contact the three credit bureaus – Equifax, Experian and Trans Union.
The agency warns that the breach took place on or around July 24, 2009. A tablet computer was stolen from a case manager’s personal possession. Files on the stolen computer contained identifying information such as names, social security numbers, birth dates, and other confidential material. The theft has been reported to the Macon Police Department for investigation.
The agency has also proactively alerted the three credit bureaus about the situation. Georgia law provides that all residents are entitled to receive two credit reports free of charge each year. The agency suggests clients retrieve a copy of their credit report and consider requesting a fraud alert be placed on their credit records. Clients may contact the credit bureaus at the following: Equifax, P.O. Box 740241, Atlanta, GA 30374-0241 Tel: 800-685-1111; Experian, P.O. Box 9595 Allen, TX 75013-9595 Tel: 888-397-3742; and Trans Union, P.O. Box 1000, Chester, PA 19022 Tel: 800-888-4213.
For more information about obtaining free credit reports, please visit: http://annualcreditreport.com.