State of Hope
The application for 2024 has now closed.
The State of Hope is a movement throughout Georgia to create communities where children are safe, thriving and full of hope. Our mission is to cultivate family-centered support systems by connecting, equipping and nurturing diverse community collaborators.
Why Hope for Georgia?
Families deserve to be safe and supported in their local communities, having resources that are designed with their input. Additionally, there are a record number of children in foster care, resources are limited, many individuals, and families are in crisis, and local communities often have the best answers to address their local needs. The importance of communities being able to support and take care of families cannot be understated. The work of the Division needs to be seen as the last resort for the most urgent cases, not the solution for all issues.
To do this, we need the community’s help.
This is the right work at this right time.
What is State of Hope?
State of Hope is an initiative that seeks to encourage nonprofits, philanthropies, government, businesses, and communities to collaborate closely to build local safety nets that will prevent conditions that contribute to disparities in education, threaten a family’s self-sufficiency, and could lead to child abuse and neglect.
Our ultimate vision is having 14 Regions of Hope across Georgia. This could be one or multiple sites/projects in each region.
of Hope: First State of Hope Sites Announced!
State of Hope Informational Materials
SOH Toolkit
The Case for Hope (Business Case)
Talking Points
SOH PowerPoint
SOH Infographic
SOH Application Budget Template
Hear a welcome message from former Division Director Virginia Pryor on State of Hope.
Below are additional videos that outline the Division’s way forward in building a State of Hope in Georgia.
Catoosa County Annual Ribbon Luncheon
Fostering Together TED Talk: DFCS Director Ginger Pryor
For more information or to be added to the State of Hope mailing list, please email us.
Media Coverage
Community comes together to help Turin family
Related Files
State of Hope Sites
State of Hope Sites