Becoming a Home Development Contractor
We thank you for your interest in wanting to become a Foster Home Development contractor. The vetting process for the upcoming FY26 contract cycle will begin on February 13, 2025, and end on February 20, 2025.
Becoming a Home Development Contractor
The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) is the agency responsible for the delivery of health, human/social, and related regulatory services for the state of Georgia. The major service divisions within DHS are the Division of Aging Services (DAS), Division of Child Support Services (DCSS), and Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS). In partnership with local communities, DHS assists individuals and families in achieving safe, healthy, independent, and self-sufficient lives. Many DHS programs have seen record numbers of enrollment in this recent economic downturn. Please refer to DHS website at dhs.georgia.gov for more information about the Department, its responsibilities/functions and organizational structure, etc.
The Division of Family and Children Services, Caregiver Recruitment and Retention Unit (CRRU) is charged with promoting, developing, and supporting quality Foster and Kinship and Adoptive Home Development services for Georgia’s children and foster families. Over the years, the unit has impacted the number of children placed through; (a) Increased home placements of children who were in the custody of DFCS; and (b) Increased collaboration with non-profit and for-profit organizations to serve children and families with fostering services.
Home Development Contractor Services
Home Development (HD) contractors provide pre-service training to prospective caregivers, and complete DFCS foster, adoptive, kinship, and Interstate Compact Placement of Children (ICPC) home studies which will increase the state’s approved caregiver placement resources.
Contract Overview
Qualified contractors should be able to either facilitate state-approved pre-service training (group and one-on-one) or assess prospective DFCS and ICPC families through the written Family Evaluation.
All HD contracts are for referral-based services and may not exceed $24,999.99 in billing during any contract year. This threshold does not apply to non-profit organizations.
Qualified contractors are required to have commercial/general liability insurance, auto insurance, criminal background check and must submit to a financial review prior to full acceptance as a contractor with the agency.
The services would be contracted on one (1) year terms beginning July 1 through June 30. At the sole discretion of DFCS, the contract will be awarded on or before July 1st.
Areas of Need
Geographical Service Areas
Applications will only be accepted from prospective HD contractors willing to service the following areas of Catoosa, Cherokee, Columbia, Dade, Early, Grady, Haralson, Liberty, McIntosh, Miller, Polk, Richmond, Seminole, Thomas, and Walker.
- Bilingual Providers
Preference will be given to bilingual and Spanish-speaking contractors, specifically those fluent in the languages of the counties they will serve.

Region 1
Region 3
Bartow, Floyd, Haralson, Polk
Region 4
Lamar, Troup, Meriwether, Pike, Upson
Region 9
Evans, Tattnall, Wayne
Region 11
Coffee, Lowndes, Ware
Region 14
DeKalb, Fulton
Vetting Process
Only applicants who have satisfied all requirements and successfully completed the vetting process will be considered for a FHD contract.
- To begin the vetting process, submit the documents listed below by February 20, 2025, to [email protected] prior to any other steps being taken.
Please address the subject of the email as: New Home Development Contractor- Last Name, First Name. At a minimum, the following information must be submitted:-
HD Contractor Application
- Resume (to verify experience)
- Copy of Degree (to verify education)
- Writing Sample (home study, writing study)
NOTE: Vetting packages received after the close of business (5 p.m.) on February 20th will be waitlisted for future contract opportunities.
- Once you have been deemed a qualified applicant, you will receive a confirmation email with approval to register for pre-service training and SAFE certification from the Contract Administrator.
- Applicants must provide proof of completed pre-service training or SAFE certification no later than June 30, 2025.
- The Home Development Contractor package will be sent to the prospective applicant upon receipt/confirmation of training.
- The completed Home Development Contractor package, including the criminal records check eligibility letter, is due no later than February 20, 2025.
Submission Procedures for Re-Applying Contractors
Writing sample (home study, writing study) training hours certificate and Home Development Contractor package must be submitted by March 1, 2025.
NOTE: Packages received after the close of business (5 p.m.) on March 1, 2025, will not be considered and will have to re-apply for the following fiscal year contract.
- Re-applying contractor will receive an e-mail confirmation acknowledging receipt of the packet.
- 30 days prior to the start of the contract, the State Office Caregiver Recruitment and Retention Unit will conduct an orientation with all contractors to review the contract requirements, review the assignments and billing procedures, review general expectations, and ensure that contractors understand their responsibilities in following DFCS Child Welfare Policy and any local/regional procedures.
General Submission Guidelines
1. Each form/document must be in PDF or Word format and attached individually.
2. Each document must follow the specified naming convention (Example: First name_Last Name.W9 or Agency Name.W9) A sample of the naming conventions can be found here:
Home Development Forms | File Naming Convention |
Home Development Contractor Application | .HDapp |
Contractor Information Form | .CIF |
Criminal Records Check Letter | .CRC |
Department of Revenue Tax Form | .taxform |
Security and Immigration | .SECIM |
Certificate of Insurance | .COI |
W-9 | .W9 |
Supplier Change Form | .SCF |
Independent Contractor Determination | .17pt |
Verifications | File Naming Convention |
Driver's License | .DL |
Subcontractor Log | .Sublog |
Impact Certificate | .impcert |
Safe Certificate | .safecert |
Resume | .res |
Degree/Transcript | .edu |
Writing Sample | .writ |
Training Hour Certificates | .trng |
Contract Reminders:
- FHD Contracts are non-renewable and must be applied for annually during the submission period.
- Contracts are awarded by July 1. The contract period is July 1-June 30.
- Contractors who did not receive a Home Development Contract will be notified.
- Contractors will receive an electronic contract for signature from the Division’s ECAT (Electronic Contract Automation Tracking) system. Contractors should have a valid email address that they monitor in preparation to receive the contract. Once received, please review your document and quickly electronically sign it.
Becoming a Home Development Contractor - Related Files
Files needed for prospective Home Development Contractors
If you require any additional information about becoming a Home Development Provider, please email [email protected]