OFI policy training is available through the Internet via the Institute for Online Training and Instructional Systems (IOTIS). Development of training modules and management of the help desk are done through a contract with Athens Technical College (ATC). Online training is interactive. Questions or comments can be directed to the online instructor at any time during the training. The format of the training modules consists of brief presentations of policy material followed by exercises that reiterate the application of policy and assess the worker's knowledge. In addition there are scored assessments that provide workers with more comprehensive feedback on their progress.
Online training courses are available for new and veteran workers. These courses can be taken in their entirety to meet requirements for a particular training sequence or they can be used for a quick reference or refresher on a particular topic in a particular program.
Online training can be accessed at
ATC staffs a helpdesk from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (except Holidays) and can be contacted at 706-355-5144 or emailed at [email protected]
Participating in Online Training
A password must be assigned to a worker in order for the worker to participate in DFCS Online Training. The password may be obtained by filling out the Online Training Password Request Form, which may be accessed at This password will allow access to all program training courses on the IOTIS website.
Each worker must keep their password private as all scores recorded by the training system will be tied to this password. It is suggested workers bookmark the online training website ( for future reference.
First-time users of the online training should click on the How to Use the Training System button on the DFCS Online Course page as it contains information about how to use the training properly. They should then complete the Roadmap to Successful Online Learning and the New Worker Orientation to DHR and DFCS modules before beginning their program training. When the trainee completes the training successfully (with an 80% or better score on each Assessment), they will receive a certificate for the program from ATC. A report of the scores will be mailed to the supervisor.
A worker who wishes to use the online training as a tool to review a policy or program area may use IOTIS at any time. The worker’s password (received by the method above) will allow access to any program training at any time in any order.The worker’s password (received by one of the two methods above) will allow access to any program at any time and in any order.
Supervisors who would like to monitor veteran worker’s review of policy and their assessment scores can:
- have the worker print their score at the end of each module and at the end of each assessment
Or - request the worker’s scores by contacting the ATC helpdesk
If an individual loses their password they should contact the ATC helpdesk.