Monthly Adoption Assistance Benefits
- Ongoing monthly payments – Monthly payments to the adoptive parent(s), not to exceed the amount the child received in a family foster home placement; or not to exceed the amount the child would have received if he/she were in a family foster home placement.
- Medicaid/Amerigroup coverage - Medical coverage, which continues to be provided if the child is placed for adoption in another state or moves with the adoptive family to another state, per the procedures of the Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance (ICAMA).
- Non-Recurring Funds - One-time payment of fees related to adoption, not to exceed $1500.00 per child. Such payments may assist in covering legal fees, court costs, and other one-time adoption-related expenses which are not in conflict with state or federal law.
Non-Recurring funds are approved automatically when Monthly Adoption Assistance has been approved.
A child in the custody of the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) at the time of his/her adoption must meet special needs criteria to qualify for Monthly Adoption Assistance Benefits.
It is more difficult for a child who is not in DFCS custody to qualify for Monthly Adoption Assistance, as he/she must meet special needs criteria and Title IV-E (Federal funding) criteria. Title IV-E adoption assistance criteria are explained in Section 473 of the Social Security Act and in Chapter 12.1 of the state child welfare policy manual - pamms.dhs.ga.gov.
Note: SSI-eligible children are considered Title IV-E eligible.
Ongoing monthly payments and Medicaid/Amerigroup coverage continue until age 18, but only while the adoptive parents remain legally and financially responsible for the adopted youth. Youth placed for adoption through DFCS may be eligible to receive adoption assistance past age 18, but only while meeting specific educational criteria.
Adoption Assistance Applications are requested at the County DFCS office. The county holding legal custody handles applications for children in DFCS custody; the county of residence of the pre-adoptive parent(s) processes applications for children who are not in DFCS custody.
Non-Recurring ONLY Adoption Assistance
- Describes cases in which only Non-Recurring Funds are approved [Ongoing monthly payments and Medicaid/Amerigroup coverage were either not approved or not requested].
Non-Recurring Only Adoption Assistance is an option for adoptive parents in private, non-DFCS adoptions where Title IV-E criteria are not met for Monthly Adoption Assistance, but where special needs criteria are met. This one-time, non-recurring benefit of up to $1500.00 per child only requires a special needs determination and that a Non-Recurring Only agreement be signed prior to the adoption finalization. Such payments may assist in covering legal fees, court costs, and other one-time adoption-related expenses which are not in conflict with state or federal law.
Non-Recurring ONLY Adoption Assistance Applications are requested at the DFCS office in the county in which the pre-adoptive parents reside.
Post-Adoption Services
Adoption represents an ongoing commitment for adoptive parent(s) and their adopted child(ren). After a child has been placed into an adoptive family, the family may have questions, concerns, and/or a need for supportive services. The Georgia Division of Family & Children Services/Social Services Administration Unit (SSAU) has established post-adoption services to assist adoptive families in meeting their needs and the needs of their adoptive child(ren). These services are designed to enhance the adoption experience and to prevent disruption or dissolution of the adoptive placement.
Some post-adoption services are available only for families who have adopted special needs children through Georgia’s Division of Family & Children Services (DFCS).
However, there are other supportive services, such as the Georgia Center for Resources & Support, which are available to all adoptive families residing in Georgia.
Please Note: The availability and amount of post-adoption services are subject to state and federal laws, regulations, and budgetary requirements.
Post-Adoption Services include:
Adoption Assistance
The Adoption Assistance program seeks to support the placement of children with Special Needs into permanent adoptive homes. Without such support, these children are at risk of remaining in temporary foster care for long periods of time. In Georgia, children are identified as having “special needs” as it relates to adoption assistance when they meet one of the following Special Needs criteria at the time of adoptive placement:
- A child who has been in the care of a public or private agency or individual other than the legal or biological parent for more than 24 consecutive months.
- A child with physical, mental, or emotional disability, as validated by a licensed physician or psychologist.
- A child who is a member of a sibling group of 2 or more placed in the same home (for adoption).
Adoption Assistance must be applied for and approved, with an Adoption Assistance agreement signed prior to the finalization of the adoption. In all cases, it must be documented that adoption would not be possible without adoption assistance.
Types of Adoption Assistance
Applying for Adoption Assistance
Adoption Assistance Applications are initiated at the County DFCS office.
- For children in DFCS custody, the county holding legal custody of a child will initiate Adoption Assistance Applications.
- For children not in the custody of DFCS (Private, Non-DFCS Adoptions), the pre-adoptive parent(s) need to contact the DFCS office in their county of residence to apply for Ongoing Monthly or Non-Recurring Only adoption assistance benefits. They may contact the SSAU Office for assistance in locating a county DFCS contact.
Approval Criteria for Adoption Assistance
For Ongoing Monthly Adoption Assistance
- DFCS-involved Adoptions – A child in the custody of the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) at the beginning of adoption proceedings must be deemed special needs, and an Adoption Assistance Agreement must be signed between DFCS and the pre-adoptive parent(s) prior to the adoption finalization date.
- Private, Non-DFCS Adoptions – It is more difficult, but still possible for a child who is not in DFCS custody at the initiation of adoption proceedings to qualify for Ongoing Monthly Adoption Assistance. The child must meet special needs criteria and Title IV-E (Federal funding) criteria, and an Adoption Assistance Agreement must be signed between DFCS and the pre-adoptive parent(s) prior to the adoption finalization date. Title IV-E adoption assistance criteria are explained in Section 473 of the Social Security Act and in Chapter 12.1 of the state child welfare policy manual -https://odis.dhs.ga.gov.
Note: SSI-eligible children are considered to be Title IV-E eligible.
For Non-Recurring-ONLY Adoption Assistance
- Private, Non-DFCS Adoptions – The child must meet special needs criteria and a Non-Recurring-ONLY Adoption Assistance Agreement must be signed between DFCS and the pre-adoptive parent(s) prior to the adoption finalization.
Duration of Adoption Assistance Benefits
Ongoing monthly payments and Medicaid/Amerigroup coverage may continue until a child turns age 18, but only while the adoptive parents remain legally and financially responsible for the adopted youth, and the youth is a full-time student.
Only youth placed for adoption through DFCS-involved Adoptions are eligible to receive adoption assistance past age 18. Such youth need to meet specific educational requirements which are explained by DFCS policy and the Adoption Assistance Agreement.
Adoption Assistance Program in Georgia
The Social Services Administration Unit (SSAU) of the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) manages:
- The approval and maintenance of adoption assistance benefits in Georgia.
- The gathering and storage of sealed adoption records related to Georgia adoptions.
- The management of pre-adoption and post adoption contracts.
Note: See the DFCS website link titled “Post Adoption Services” for more information about Post Adoption Services and Contracts.
SSAU Staff Duties Include:
- SSAU Director – Oversees the overall functioning of the SSAU, providing final approval regarding issues related to adoption assistance, contracts, etc.
- SSAU Adoption Assistance (AA) Consultants – Based at the State Office, SSAU AA Consultants have the following duties:
- Interpreting Adoption Assistance policy
- Providing guidance and regular training to DFCS staff statewide.
- Providing approval or denial of Adoption Assistance and Special Services Applications.
- Post Adoption Managers (PAD Managers) – Based in all regions of the state, PAD Managers manage ongoing monthly adoption assistance cases after adoption finalization, as follows:
- Serving as the primary contact for adoptive parents receiving adoption assistance benefits after the adoption has finalized and the case has been transferred from county DFCS staff.
- Monitoring and authorizing of monthly adoption assistance payments.
- Performing Annual Reviews and Information Updates with adoptive families to track changes and offer support.
- Receiving applications for Special Services.
- Referring adoptive parents in need of resources to the GA Center for Resources and Support (GACRS) or Post Adoption and Guardianship Services Coordinators, as appropriate.
- Troubleshooting with adoptive parents regarding payment delays, Medicaid issues.
Feel free to contact the Social Services Administration Unit (SSAU) at (470) 349-1705 or send an email to [email protected] for further information about Adoption Assistance and Special Services in Georgia.
You may contact your PAD Manager directly if you have an active adoption assistance case, or call the above number to obtain your PAD Manager’s contact information.
- Special Services
- Teen Adoption and Guardianship Support (TAGS)
- Crisis Intervention and Support Services
- Georgia Center for Resources & Support
- Georgia Adoption Reunion Registry
- Together, Inspiring, Engagement, and Support (TIES) Conference
Other Supportive Resources include:
- ADOPTSSM Services Program
- Camp to Belong - Georgia
- Georgia State Adoption Tax Credit
- Federal Adoption Tax Credit
- Childcare Assistance Through Childcare and Parent Services (CAPS)
For more information regarding post-adoption services, contact your county DFCS Case Manager, the Adoption Assistance Case Manager, or the Social Services Administration Unit (SSAU).