DFCS focuses on case worker training during National Professional Social Work Month
March 26, 2008
ATLANTA (GA) - From child protective services to adoption to geriatrics. From disaster relief to substance abuse. In state and local agencies, courtrooms, hospitals, and schools - case workers and other social service workers get their due in March, National Professional Social Work Month. The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) is making sure, through its Professional Excellence Program, that Georgia's case managers are well-trained in dealing with the challenging and complex family circumstances they face daily.
The Professional Excellence program, a statewide training and professional development program for social services staff, and one of DHR's efforts to reduce staff turnover and enhance professionalism, has doubled in participation. More than 13,200 case managers and other staff have gone through Professional Excellence since 2005, the program's first year. The program, which began at Georgia State University as a pilot, is now offered at all 10 of Georgia's accredited schools of social work.
"It is absolutely critical that we give our best efforts in professional development and social services training to front line staff and prospective DFCS staff so that they can, in turn, give their best judgment, skills, knowledge and training to families and children who find themselves in challenging circumstances," said Isabel Blanco, deputy director of DFCS. "Employment in the field is expected to grow much faster than average and we have to keep up. We're excited about the growth of our program and to know that, statewide, the program is being eagerly anticipated and embraced by our frontline workers and colleges and universities," she said.
A number of new courses are under development for this year including family centered practice with Latino families. The following schools of social work participate in the program: Albany State University, Clark Atlanta University, Dalton State University, Georgia State University, Savannah State University, Thomas University, University of Georgia, Valdosta State University, Emory University and Kennesaw State University.
The Performance Excellence program offers courses that are directly applicable to the daily experiences of front line DFCS staff and based upon specific regional needs and issues. To achieve this aim, the program utilizes regional experts and trainers who are familiar with the particular needs and interests of case managers across the state. Case workers wishing to fulfill their continuing education requirements can also use this program.
For information contact:
Beverly Jones; 404.657.1387
[email protected]