Supervisor Capacity Building Resource Library

“Putting the Pieces Together”
Download this doc file. Unit One: Administrative Supervision
Supervisor as Manager

This is the supervisor’s participant guide that accompanies the first week of classroom training for the “Putting the Pieces Together”. It includes information and worksheets on topics covered during class such as “Management and Organizational Theories”; “Transitioning from Peer to Supervisor”; “Supervisor as Data Analyst” and Supervisor as Change Agent”.

“Putting the Pieces Together”
Download this doc file. Unit Two: Educative Supervision
Supervisor as Coach

This is the supervisor’s participant guide that accompanies the second week of classroom training for the “Putting the Pieces Together”. It includes information and worksheets on topics covered during class such as “Learning Styles”; “Transfer of Learning” and “Constructive Feedback”.

Also included is an electronic copy of the Individual Training needs Assessment (ITNA). The ITNA is based on the “universe” of competencies required for all child welfare case managers. Instructions for completing the document with the case manager in a supervisory conference are included on the first few pages.

“Putting the Pieces Together”
Download this doc file. Unit Three: Supportive Supervision
Supervisor as Team Leader

This is the supervisor’s participant guide that accompanies the final week of classroom training for the “Putting the Pieces Together”. It includes information and worksheets on topics covered during class such as “Supervisor as Motivator”; Supervisor as Burnout Prevention Specialist” and Supervisor as Conflict Manager”