Blueprint for Family First FAQs
What provisions of Family First are relevant to the legal community?
Provisions of Family First especially relevant to the legal community include:
Prevention services available to support candidates for foster care and their parents or kin;
Child placement option with a parent in residential family-based treatment;
Extended timelines for federally supported reunification services;
Kinship navigator programs;
Model Licensing Standards for foster parents;
Limitations on non-foster family home placements;
Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP) placement reviews and restrictions;
Data tracking on juvenile justice system impact;
State protocols to prevent inappropriate diagnoses of youth in care;
Chafee Foster Care Independence Program improvements and extensions; and
Interstate placement system compatibility.
What happens after the approval of Georgia's IV-E Prevention Plan?
Once Georgia’s Title IV-E Prevention Plan is approved, the Division will shift gears from planning and preparing for Family First to focusing on the phased implementation of Family First Act prevention services.
Because we are preparing for a phased implementation, the Division anticipates that both the geographic availability of prevention services and the array of services will grow over time. -
How will the Family First Act affect placements of children who require residential mental health care?
Having Qualified Residential Treatment Programs (QRTPs) available will expand intensive residential treatment options.
QRTPs are intensive treatment settings that may be utilized for children who require residential mental health care.
They may be used as a step down placement from a more restrictive Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) setting, or if the child does not meet the medical necessity criteria for a PRTF placement, but an assessment determines that a QRTP level of care is appropriate. -
What services are being considered for Georgia's IV-E Prevention Plan?
In order to be considered for any state’s IV-E Prevention Plan, services must be evidence-based practices reviewed by the federal Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse.
Other services may be funded using state or other federal dollars, but only services in the Clearinghouse and on Georgia’s IV-E Prevention Plan are eligible for IV-E dollars under the Family First Act.As of January 2021, Georgia will only consider services rated well-supported for potential inclusion in the state’s IV-E plan.
How will I know if the services my agency offers qualify for the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and trauma-informed requirements under the Family First Act?
Visit the Title IV- E Prevention Services Clearinghouse to see if the program your agency offers is among those already evaluated. Only programs rated as well-supported treatments, supported practices and promising practices by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse are considered Evidence-based Practices under the Family First Act. However, as of May 2020 Georgia will only consider services rated well-supported for potential inclusion on the state's IV-E plan.
The Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse will continue to select additional programs and services for review on a rolling basis starting in summer 2019. Join the Clearinghouse’s email list to be notified of updates.
Inclusion of a service on the IV-E Clearinghouse does not necessarily mean that Georgia will seek reimbursement from Title IV-E to fund the service. The state will make a final determination of which services to include in its IV-E plan in 2021. -
Who is eligible for prevention services?
Children, their parents, or kinship care providers who are receiving DFCS Family Preservation services will be eligible for Title IV-E prevention services. Expectant and parenting youth who are in foster care are also eligible for prevention services. The categories of prevention services include in-home parenting skills training; mental health prevention and treatment services; and substance abuse prevention and treatment services.
The income of the person or family receiving services has no impact on eligibility.
Prevention services may only be provided if they are addressed in the child’s prevention plan.
Which prevention services programs will meet the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and trauma-informed requirements?
In order to be eligible for IV-E funding, prevention services must be rated and approved by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse.
The Title IV- E Prevention Services Clearinghouse established by the Administration for Children and Families within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is evaluating which programs meet the Evidence-Based Practice criteria under Family First. The Clearinghouse lists the programs it has reviewed on its website.
To be reimbursable under the Family First Act in Georgia, a service also has to be included in the state’s IV-E Plan.
The five services included in Georgia’s plan are:
Brief Strategic Family Therapy
Functional Family Therapy
Healthy Families America
Multi-systemic Therapy
Parents as Teachers
Title IV- E Prevention Services Clearinghouse website
What services are kinship caregivers eligible for under Family First?
Kinship caregivers who are caring for children who are candidates for foster care are eligible for prevention services including in-home parenting skills training; mental health prevention and treatment services; and substance abuse prevention and treatment services.
The income of the person or family receiving services has no impact on eligibility.
What should I do to prepare my agency to offer trauma-informed, Evidence-Based Practices that meet Family First requirements?
As Georgia transitions to this new model, there are some steps you can take to prepare:
Review the programs that your agency offers to ensure they are considered Well-supported Treatments, Supported Practices or Promising Practices by the Title IV- E Prevention Services Clearinghouse.
Review staff records to ensure staff members who will deliver the program(s) are trained and have received any necessary certifications.
Review your guidelines for child case plans to ensure case workers will be prepared to include prevention services and any necessary documentation in the case plan. -
What is Georgia's IV-E Prevention Plan?
Georgia’s Title IV-E Prevention Plan is a plan that the state of Georgia must submit to the federal government in order to seek reimbursement for prevention services under the Family First Act.
The plan has two components- the narrative plan and the pre-print. The narrative plan describes how Georgia will implement prevention services under Family First. The pre-print specifies the policies that support this work and meet the regulatory requirements.
The sections included in the narrative plan are:
Eligibility and Candidacy Identification
Title IV-E Prevention Services (Service Description and Oversight)
Child Specific Prevention Plan
Monitoring Child Safety
Evaluation Strategy and Waiver Request
Child Welfare Workforce Training and Support
Prevention Caseloads
Assurance on Prevention Program Reporting
Download Georgia's draft narrative Title IV-E Prevention Plan
Which programs has the Division asked the Prevention Services Clearinghouse to review?
In October 2019, the Prevention Services Clearinghouse issued a public call for programs to be considered for systemic review. Only programs reviewed and approved by the Clearinghouse are eligible for Family First Act funding. We worked with the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities and the Center of Excellence for Children’s Behavioral Health in the Health Policy Center at Georgia State University to develop a state response that was submitted Oct. 31, 2020.
The list of programs submitted was based on existing capacity in the state and feedback from providers. It is NOT a list of services Georgia will fund. We will select services that have already been reviewed and included on the Clearinghouse to include in our IV-E plan.The list includes:
Applied Behavior Analysis
Assertive Community Treatment
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy)
High Fidelity Wrap Around
Moral Reconation Therapy
Multidimensional Family Therapy
Peer Support for individuals with mental illness and/or substance abuse
Recovery Oriented Cognitive Therapy
Thinking for a Change (T4C)
Trauma Recovery Empowerment Model (TREM)
Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Cannabis users and other Substance users
Seeking Safety
Family Centered Treatment'
Exchange Parent Aide
Trust-Based Relational Intervention
Safe Families for Children
24/7 Dad
Together Facing the Challenge
How can families who are eligible for services request an EBP?
These EBPs are not currently available through DFCS’ service array. All families being served by DFCS will continue to receive the most appropriate services that are a part of our existing service array while EBPs are being implemented.
Which IV-E Prevention Services will Georgia fund?
The state made a final determination of
which services to include in its IV-E plan in 2021.
The Family First Act Prevention Services Workgroup met six times in spring 2021 to form recommendations for an aligned Family First Act preventive services array. The workgroup’s recommendations were reviewed by the multi-agency Leadership Advisory Council, the DFCS Family First Steering Committee and the DFCS Director before the Director ultimately approved the services to be included in Georgia’s IV-E plan. The draft narrative plan was submitted to the federal Children’s Bureau in fall 2021.
The five services included in Georgia’s plan are:
Brief Strategic Family Therapy
Functional Family Therapy
Healthy Families America
Multi-systemic Therapy
Parents as Teachers
Will these changes affect my current contract with DFCS?
Current contracts for services will not be affected.
Will the bidding and contracting process for DFCS change?
The bidding and contracting process is guided by state procurement rules and will not change because of the Family First Act.
What process did the Division use for creating Georgia's Title IV-E Prevention Plan?
The Family First Act governance structure has been designed to intentionally include a broad range of voices and perspectives, both inside and outside the Division.
In 2021, various Family First workgroups in that governing structure began work on the pieces of
Georgia' Title IV-E Prevention Plan. The workgroups are informed by tools such as a data analysis on the target population of children and youth who will be candidates for prevention services and their families and a statewide survey of providers regarding the current landscape of evidence-based practices.
Workgroups include:
Candidacy: Meetings concluded. (See: Who is considered a “candidate for foster care”?)
Practice & Policy Alignment: Currently meeting and working to align Family First Act requirements with policy and necessary SHINES updates to operationalize those requirements.
Readiness: Currently meeting and working to provide practice and training support to the field in preparation for implementation.
Prevention Services: Meetings concluded June 2021. Click here to view meeting materials and presentations.
Data and Continuous Quality Improvement: Currently meeting and working to incorporate FFPSA evaluation and monitoring requirements into current CQI process.
Some workgroups such as Candidacy include members from both inside and outside the Division, while others such as Practice & Policy Alignment are comprised of Division staff completing the internal work that is necessary for successful implementation of the Family First Act.
Members of the workgroups tap additional subject matter experts inside and outside the Division as needed, and seek community input on topics like prevention services, which entails a series of meetings to gain ideas and perspective from providers, Division field staff and youth and families with lived experience. The Division is being supported in these efforts by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, who have deep expertise in child well-being and strategic planning and implementation.
The IV-E Prevention Plan was written by members of the Family First Act team and the Family First Act workgroups with support from Chapin Hall, with input and guidance from the multi-agency Leadership Advisory Council and the DFCS Family First Steering Committee and approved by the DFCS Director. The draft narrative plan was submitted to the federal Children’s Bureau in fall 2021.
What prevention services are eligible for Title IV-E reimbursement?
The Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse maintains a list of currently reviewed and approved services. Services under review are listed in the Clearinghouse's FAQS.
Services must also be included
in the state's IV-E plan to be eligible for reimbursement.
The five services included in Georgia’s plan are:
Brief Strategic Family Therapy
Functional Family Therapy
Healthy Families America
Multi-systemic Therapy
Parents as Teachers
My agency is not trained to offer one of these EBPs, should we get trained?
We encourage providers to learn more about the EBPs that will be offered under Family First to determine if they are a good fit for your agency. Being trained or certified in an EBP may allow you to bid on future procurement opportunities, but is not a guarantee of a contract with the agency. As the Division establishes the overall need for services in the state, there may be opportunities for training supported by the agency to fill critical gaps.
My agency has a current support services contract with DFCS, how is it impacted?
Current contracts with the agency are not impacted by Family First.
How will post-reunification services be funded?
The Family First Act offers two ways to fund post-reunification services.
First, the Family First Act removed the time limit associated with Promoting Safe and Stable Families services, and they are now available for up to 15 months post reunification.
Second, a child who has exited foster care may be considered a candidate for foster care if they are at risk of reentry without the provision of services, and would therefore be eligible for IV-E funded prevention services.
How can I contract to provide one of these EBP services?
All EBPs will be procured through formal bidding processes. These opportunities are announced on DHS/DFCS and/or DOAS websites when available.
Keeping You Informed During Family First Implementation - Georgia Conference on Children and Families - Oct. 29, 2019
Deputy Commissioner Ashley Fielding shared information about how the Division is leveraging the Family First Act rollout to hear your ideas on the future of child welfare and to improve its communications.
Automated transcription, please forgive any errors:
good afternoon everybody keep my glass of water down here so that I can have my Marco Rubio moment later let's wait for that as Alison said my name's Ashley feeling I need any Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Human Services for the last six years I have worked with the Department legislative affairs and communications specifically in the last couple years I've started working on strategic planning and Enterprise Development which is a aircraft work for our training program I'm here today to talk to you specifically about what our plans are with regard to communicating sharing with you our plans for that an implementation without that feeling before I get started I want to remember three important things I am NOT the subject matter expert on at the TSA I am NOT a subject matter expert and I am NOT the subject matter expert on mfps a I am here to talk to you about how we are going to keep you informed throughout the process of the building our planets are implementing and the music and how we are going to use your feedback to inform our implementation before I get started though I just want to take a moment they give you a little bit of information what my background is I'm a journalist that's right and I'm really glad that Allison said to you in the beginning that transparency have been very important to me in the department because that has been a guiding principle for me and every bit of the work that I have done working for the Department of Human Services I actually some of you who work for the agency probably my evil times email address is still in our outlook system it's you know the Department of the past looking for information for a story I was reading and I was hearing how do you with the results that I got from our media department to be honest so that information is still in there but as I came to the department it was very important to me not only that we always remember that we are not the owners of the information contained in our department but we are the stewards of it and we are required by not because of the sunshine laws to make sure that we are as transparent as we can be when the law allows but also it's our civic responsibility to engage the public in the work of government so that we can make it better and ever since I can remember we have been talking about how do you make the child welfare system better and it is going to be in that conversation so that sets the stage for moving into our work here I have LPL set six years ago and I came to the department we were on the had just come out of a leadership level that had certain philosophy around communication that when anything bad were to happen there were these sort of mythical steel doors that we would roll it all over to the three and just keep until maybe it went away we had a new vision of our new leadership that we would be as transparent as possible now that was not an easy task for us three months after I arrived we had two very horrific and high-profile child deaths those are the money loss and Eric Forbes that expose some serious issues and flaws quite frankly in our child welfare system we have to talk about that we also were on the cusp of rolling out you know consistent process so we had developed called Georgia one if any of you dealt with that program you know that it did not look very fun winter works course and about a year and a half we had to talk about that as well and I will be very strong that will help people to this day I feel more anything and have panic attacks but us being transparent with the legislature become of the public about what went wrong in those three instances was really natural and getting us to the reform that we've got to today so I know that many of you remember as we have all throughout that process director body Kangol came in June of 2014 and he too had a vision sorry I think looking the other here he too had a vision that we would be very transparent with the public he had work programmatic visions an idea because we remember practice and practice models like the version that we had implemented without involving our stakeholders and quickly reversed course and moods welding safety response after that and he remember how the judges reacted to rolling out that plan and so Bobby being the visionary the nominee who said we're going to take our vision of and our transparency that we've taken here with the media and the legislature and we're going to make sure that we include every single one of our stakeholders our foster parents our providers our judges everybody that was involved in our process who want to hear from them and so many of you probably remember that's a project that we still do we started our blueprint for change roadshows and started using that as a forum to get feedback from every single stakeholder group now here with FFPs a came along bobby was gone he wasn't here to guide me but I knew that there was no way to go through such a colossal change and not be very intentional and consistent about the way we went about communicating this to our stakeholders and gathering feedback and also I wanted to take the opportunity to use some of the lessons we have learned in our blueprint for to move and spin this better and do better now I knew that we were going to do it better the new of ourselves and so we engaged a group called lexicon strategy who's probably already been and your inboxes and that some of you have already met but they're also here today sitting at our table and you know it's also a little bit later on afternoon and so we're going to talk a little bit about the work they've done for us so far in gathering information from you and in here all right so what we're going to cover today is who received this survey now we're gonna have to job on our lacera we're going to be sent out of informal survey to a couple of thousand of our stakeholders we also helps an informal listening service sessions earlier in this fall we use that information to sort of develop our initial communication strategy going forward and so we'll show you how that has worked into our plans I told a little bit about this in sort of division that we bring to this work for Valentine school for the family first act specific to communications the trust so listen carefully term staplers and to consistently show how you were valuable in forming our processes and our decisions alright so let's talk a little bit about this survey that we did so we sent out a survey to about 3,000 people back in August approximately 3,700 of those delivered and we have about 77% of the people who responded responded to the complete survey so for the people who responded this is where they came from we had a pretty good reference attention throughout the state on a geographical we also talked to people about what their role was we had good spread across roles a lot of people that you see in the other category there on the bottom are cazzo so in our future surveys you will have a specific section for those who are in the concert hall we also ask some questions about the characteristics of organizations people could identify as more than one see right here that allows those headed by as nonprofit which is obviously nothing subtracts devote to us we also got information on the age of our respondents this is a pretty Romans of the sample majority people are somewhere between 35 54 we also gathered information on the race and ethnicity of our respondents this is also pretty representative the birth of our state so we're happy with that we also asked our respondents what their dinner was pretty representative of the people who work in this field demographic basis at least on the different graphics of the our department and then experience a lot of experience and the people who work in child welfare the average was 12 years he had some but if you have 50 plus years experience so in addition to this survey where we gossips our quantitative results we also held some listening session so we can sort of flesh out what people meant I think you could get into some of the nuances of their responses I'm gonna just keep moving so we had about four of these listening sessions throughout the we have four listening sessions and d-max was not present in the room we divided folks into two groups here they were directly involved with the care of children and families or policy folks who were generally involved in like legal or case what you see on the screen now is some of the groups that were represented in those listening sessions thank you participated in those your input was valuable and I'm going to hope I think today that it was useful to us alright so now we're going to talk about what we've heard as it relates to communications and how we will use that in our communication strategy going forward first question how she you know though in the Hertz the scale of one to ten what we learn here is that we have a lot of work to do in informing our stakeholder groups about family first we separated folks just to see if there were any disparities depending on your geography different categories I'm going to go through some of those so that you can see whether or not listening is very in those groups and you'll see that they were pretty much everybody on the same in a lot of these categories so I'm gonna I'm gonna click through these sort of paths so if I roll and by zip code what we learned was our own defects case managers and foster parents feel they know very little about you so we have work to do internally as well as externally when it comes to what we're doing in Georgia to roll out family first folks know even less than just a general and then how much do you know about what her is doing depending on your role and your zip code same thing as before paint workers the foster parents feel like they know even less generally any losing veterans we heard that it was a philosophical a colossal a seismic shift and that people really want to hear about what we learned people are hungry for knowledge and so we've gotta find a lot of ways then we also talk about what we've done in the past that that work in well around people they in-person meetings and emails we also asked for some other effective communications noticed presence here texting training's grew me and get sweeter a lot people lacked face-to-face interaction folks crate open two-way communication and likes me their webinars on this because of travel concerns then we asked what information do you need when we talk to you and folks wanted generally compliance documentation something concrete on paper tell me what I have to do to be in compliance of exact share of learning the ability to see what questions people have asked for and some detailed briefings like then we talked about all right so what what can we do better in the future some of the things are requests of the most were in-person meetings consistent email communication and a rinse well-organized website and I'm responsible for the website don't say you've not done the job better than that so I want to pivot a little bit into some of the perceptions out there and the people the feelings of people have about family first out based on who they are what their role is and where they are so it's important for us to understand this as we started thinking about we asked people about a lot of things I'll sort of go through in a minute but the big takeaway here I know you can't read all this is that more than 70% of you believe that we need to change the system in a major way to better serve kids and families that's the bottom line we asked people if we ask whether we asked them whether or not they thought their organization would benefit from family first we asked them whether or not they thought their organization would be harmed by mainly first implementation one thing that sticks out here is that we have seven judges who responded to the survey and they definitely told us that they don't think that they're going to benefit from this and they probably will be harmed we had service providers who said that they definitely will benefit and then then she will see over and over again because their parents were very unsure about what will happen to those all of those so yeah how much of a change is family first of your particular interests most people said it was either a pretty big change or a general change CPAs and CC dies more than anyone else said that they thought this was a pretty big change yeah so it's okay now let's you know what size shape it is is it manageable for you most people said it was manacled pretty minimal or they just sit them out and then we broke that down by roll group home providers are most concerned about their ability to manage the change and then again as I said earlier and as I will say multiple times are your foster parents we're very unsure so these are the gaps that we've identified we've got the close as we go forward we also ask those how about starter you about the future of your interest under this new world that we're going to live over and the top-level responses are very evenly spreaded with most folks said they were somewhat concerned too very concerned and again and we broke that down by role and again no surprises frequent providers are pretty concerned about the future of their interests and then we asked the question and this one would take a little bit more time whatever this one did have some results that surprised us there was a real disparity in the level of concern between the white respondents sharp survey and the african-american respondents african-americans works Weiss is likely to say that they felt very concerned to their white counterparts and while I'm going to get into some of the work we're going to do to responsible for those women talk about specifically for just a moment because this is something that we definitely have to make sure that we address going forward we have a great level of diversity within our apartment and within our group of service providers but we have not done so well in the past is ensure that the people that are on the front line communication and talking to our stakeholder talking to the people we serve represent that diversity and so that's something that we have to be very conscious of and intentional about we asked some of the entities there we asked entities to say whether or not they work or other developed city county or state organization whether or not they were a city county or state or conclusion they all look pretty much the same level of concerns there were really no differences in those groups saying when people going to divide as a public a private very large entity at these graphs almost look exactly the same and then there's also a very little vary between entire urban and rural respondents and our local regional and national now we also what are the biggest gaps turn this works out you can't see all of it but health providers training understanding but the one that really goes out to the university munication it was at the top of the list and then we asked okay in this new world and her family first what could be new gaps in Iraq and again the biggest concern was about communication so clearly we have our work cut out for us here all right so let's talk about what we are going to do with this information to make sure that we effectively communicate what for as I mentioned earlier we've brought lexicon on to consult with us and then also just help us carry this thing out to make sure that we do this successfully in terms of communications and so I want to show you a little bit of feedback has informed our again back to the first three things that you guys are supposed to remember I am NOT the subject matter expert on the technical implementation of LTSA but I do want to take this moment to say we heard you all on the fact that shines needs updating and there has been a specific budget allocation for shines update as it relates to family first show me and Tom are going to talk about that a little bit more in their session tomorrow but I just wanted yes we heard y'all yes we're aware I just don't have the information all right so back to her vision around communication you guys need to know what we know and more often than not stuff like these days you also need to know who don't know so we want to take make sure that we're transparent because we're learning about this as you are and we're working on this in real time so we really take some time over in the middle of right now at some vision setting what our philosophy is what our set of values is as we approach the implementation of family first and then we will talk about the details of the technical implementation and how about that so how the press's just yesterday somewhere maybe you have no left like 4:00 p.m. we launched our website that is dedicated to our family first implementation this will be sort of our roommates of where we are communicating with you and providing you with information about our rollout plans as it relates family curse blueprint family first so if you didn't get it right here I'll have it at the end for you as well a couple of things that I want to point out here is that you will see the words answering your questions all our website because we know you've got function and sometimes we amazing and so the primary function of this website is to make sure that we're answering their questions and so I'm pretty excited about is a feature that we have on our FAQ when you click the FAQ button we already have a list of questions on there that we anticipate that folks will allow it's going to have answers there but as we get new questions we're constantly updating these FAQ and you'll see actually a date stamp that said when it was last updated and then you can send links to each answer to folks every single answer has its own URL for this is the technology behind this so y'all making that this is - in the weeds that we are actually using software that's pretty much considered best-in-class software for customer service for websites and I'm especially say that because of the government employee you never get to say that but if you have ever gone on that you for Airbnb or for uber this is the same technology that they use and so I personally used it for area being and you get your answers and if it's not there populates pretty quickly somebody gets faculty and we do have that functionality on our back-end when we receive a question that has not already been answered we have staff there there to research and provide the answer here's how a successful government the state of Tennessee broadens and depth to do customer service for its workforce development of her map they saw a 35 percent increase in their overall customer satisfaction and then they were also able subtracted 90 percent of their inquiries were solved during the first interaction another feature I want to make sure that you guys are aware of it when you see here on the lab looks like if you're an access phone that's not our secure mobile site but we have the support button it uses bot technology artificial intelligence to find the existing knowledge and information and provided as you're typing in your question and it will allow you to ask me questions that will look for our all over so this is some of that shared learning that we're trying in terms of the desire regarding surveys in addition to this FAQ support function we also have a traditional email inbox on the web that you can access via the website or just emails but it's also tied to that same answer by so there's not some questions being answered over here there an about you and puzzles over here it's all we've integrated together and then in terms of our when I kind of consider traditional communication when I talk a little bit about what we will be doing with email and webinars has anyone received their newsletter oh good we'll get you all up at the end of this [Applause] all right so based on your feedback we have decided to have a monthly newsletter related to the work that's going on around family first and then also many of you mention the convenience of recorded webinars and so the other of that is capturing information that you are seeking we will be using that to inform what goes in our newsletter what's on our webinars it's a mission you can sign up for the newsletter here at blue print family firms or backslash sign up I'll have this on the last slide as well and then also what I make sure that we are communicating in a variety of ways because we know that people receive information better in two different mediums so we want to make sure we cover all of our bases here we just last week finished shooting the first stages of one of our vision saying videos this will be well I've mentioned earlier it's sort of the way that we set the state in terms of what our values are and our philosophy is around implementing this change and then also many of you and your survey responses mentioned that The Times Tuesday talk was a good method of communication for you and so we are going to use that as a specific tool to communicate around family first if we see certain topics relevant to the topic use will how come do it presentation never give my from a lament say the regular row and then roadshows talked a little bit earlier about how road shows were really important to helping us understand the needs of our customers I was actually involved for Boston last week with a group of child welfare leadership around the country and any economic assistance directors around the country and one of them said you know we never really took the time to ask our customers what worked for them once we did we started finding ways to improve we definitely saw that what the blueprint for change and in terms of hearing from our foster parents that Oh per diem that we pay you doesn't actually pay the cost of raising the child that we placed in your home so we need to actually go to the legislature and ask them for more money so that the very things we can cover that calls but what we didn't do there was communicate back to them and say hey we've heard you and so the point of a lot of those will be to come back and tell you we heard