Supervisory Leadership & Management Resource Library
Websites | |
Document Name | Document Description |
| Two page resource list of web sites frequently used by supervisors. It includes Website information to Fiscal Services, DHR Personnel, LEPSI, ETS Training website and more. |
Communications | |
Document Name | Document Description |
| A five page article that describes the differences between the generations represented in today's society. It describes the values of each generation, supportive behaviors and tips for communicating in an effort to prevent and resolve conflict. |
| 23 page document to assess your communication style. This document describes the four major communication styles-Thinker, Feeler, Sensor and Intuitor. It describes the basic ways in which each individual style communicates; helpful hints to communicate effectively with each style. |
Planning | |
Document Name | Document Description |
| One page document for supervisors to use as a time management tool. The Matrix, developed by Steven Covey, helps supervisors prioritize their work into four quadrants:Important-Urgent; Important-Not Urgent; Not Important-Urgent; Not Important-Not Urgent. |
Foundational Guides | |
Document Name | Document Description |
| This fourteen page document is the Governor's Executive Order adopted 1-13-03. Found in the DHR personnel manual chapter #1201. Provides written guidelines for ethical standards and professional conduct for all state employees. |
General Supervision | |
Document Name | Document Description |
| Supervising Child protective Services Caseworkers-112 Page manual published by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Administration for Children and Families. Written by Marsha K. Salus in 2004. Provides the foundations for effective supervisory practice in child protective services; describes roles and responsibilities of the CPS supervisor; provides practice oriented advice on how to carry out supervisory responsibilities effectively. |
| 46 slide Power Point presentation that describes laws pertaining to confidentiality as described in the Official Code of Georgia (OCGA). It explains who we can share information with as a Department and how to protect confidential records under this law. |
Team Building | |
Document Name | Document Description |
| Two page inventory for assessing your preferred style of recognition. Can be used as a tool with staff as a team building exercise. |
Administrative Responsibilities | |
Document Name | Document Description |
| Three- page excel document which allows the employee to complete their time card on the computer. The document automatically calculates time to reduce error. The last page provides instructions on how to use the document. |
| 14-page document that provides detailed information pertaining to the Random Moment Sample Strike process. Samples are provided. |
| This four page document provides information on how to complete the Random Moment Sample Strike according to federal guidelines. |
| An eight page word document which can be used when introducing new DFCS employees to the county office. It covers topics such as DHR policies and procedures, local office procedures, Time, Travel, Leave community resource information, agency protocols, etc… Submitted by Bartow County DFCS. |
| This one page document can be used as a checklist to ensure that all agency property is returned when an employee leaves the agency, such as keys or pass cards, computer equipment and cell phones. |
| This one page word document tracks all pertinent training information for a DFCS employee. There are columns to track the type of training, name of course, hours and cumulative hours. Submitted by Henry County DFCS. |
Mananging Leave | This nine minute video reviews the supervisor's responsibility and basic personnel policy regarding the use and approval of leave. |
Roles of Supervision | |
Document Name | Document Description |
8 Keys | This 10 minute video that lays a good foundation for Effective Employee Discipline. The 8 Keys to Effective Employee Discipline reviewed include: 1. Early Intervention, 2. Adequate Notice and Warning (NEW, Notice, Expectations, Warning), 3. Document Intervention, 4. Move Toward Dismissal if Correction is not Evident, 5. Consistent Performance Management and Feedback, 6. Professional and Appropriate Behavior, 7. Careful Analysis of Disputed Facts and 8. Consistent Action for Similar Situations. |
Discipline | This 14 minute video begins to answer the question “What to do when nothing works?” It provides some introductory information on various Non-Disciplinary Corrective Actions as well as available Disciplinary Actions. |
| Word Template. The supervisor completes this template by providing information about their staff and themselves. Staff members are encouraged to include their input about their strengths and developmental needs. Used in this module to assist supervisors in understanding their own communication style and that of each of their staff. Through discussion, supervisors are encouraged to meet their individual staff members' motivational and developmental needs. |
Meetings | |
Document Name | Document Description |
| Three page document that provides some basic tools for planning and conducting effective meetings. |
Unit Expectations | |
Document Name | Document Description |
| A nine page word document that can be used and tailored to the needs of the Unit or County DFCS office. May also be modified for Social Services. This document includes DHR Mission and Value Statements; Expectations about Timeliness, Accuracy, Case Reviews, Safety, Office procedures, Chain of Command. |
| Eight page document that can be used and tailored to the needs of the Unit or County DFCS office. May also be modified for Social Services. This document includes DHR Mission and Value Statements; Expectations about Timeliness, Accuracy, Case Reviews, Safety, Office procedures, Chain of Command. |
| A generic ten page template that may be used and tailored to meets the needs of any Unit or County DFCS office. This document includes DHR Mission and Value Statements; Expectations about Timeliness, Accuracy, Case Reviews, Safety, Office procedures, Chain of Command. |
Data Management and Reporting | |
Document Name | Document Description |
| Excel Listing of 155 separate Infopac Reports and their id numbers...shows the OFI supervisor what is available. |
| Excel Listing of all the counties in Georgia and the Infopac Id number of each County...aids the new OFI supervisor to know what to input to get their county's reports. |
| 8 slide Power Point...describes how to log into and navigate Infopac aka "View Direct". |
| Often a new OFI supervisor asks, "I wonder what reports I should be looking at" or "I wonder what I should do with this report?"...This Excel list identifies 32 of the most useful Infopac reports describes how each is "useful". |
Conferences and Staffing | |
Document Name | Document Description |
| New supervisors can use this guide during supervisory conferences or adapt to their own county/program area. Shared by Lowndes County DFCS. |
| New supervisors can use this guide during supervisory conferences or adapt to their own county/program area. Shared by Newton County DFCS. |
| New supervisors can use this guide during supervisory conferences or adapt to their own county/program area. Shared by Gilmer County DFCS. |
| New supervisors can use this guide during supervisory conferences or adapt to their own county/program area. Shared by Clarke County DFCS. |
| New supervisors can use this guide during supervisory conferences or adapt to their own county/program area. Shared by Cobb County DFCS. |
Case Reviews | |
Document Name | Document Description |
| Includes: FS Reading Guide, Family Medicaid Reading Guide, TANF Reading Guide, CAPS Reading Guide |
Quality Assurance | |
Document Name | Document Description |
| A comprehensive four page list of review items and helpful hints for the FFY11 Quality Assurance Review process. |
| The schedule for OFI Quality Assurance Reviews for FFY11. |
Quality Assurance Video | This 7 minute video provides a brief description of the Quality Assurance process. |