Teen Adoption and Guardianship Support (TAGS)

TAGS is a statewide post adoption service program designed for adopted teens, 13 to 18.5 years old. TAGS provides teen participants with an opportunity to gain mutual support and self-expression through group interactions with other adopted teens. Meetings are alternately hosted virtually and in-person across the state of Georgia.

Teens who have experienced adoption or guardianship may struggle with complex issues which can affect adolescent development. These teens can benefit from sharing with others who have similar circumstances. Even when teens appear happy and well-adjusted in their adoptive or guardianship families, they may still be dealing with the effects of their early life experience.

With the help of adult mentors, TAGS participants are encouraged to express their feelings openly in a safe environment. For many participants, this type of peer support group is their first opportunity to interact with others who have a shared experience and to learn that their feelings are normal. Participants may benefit from hearing how others have coped with their feelings and may also inspire each other to grow in self-acceptance and self-respect.

TAGS also offers parent support, educational resources, and training materials for adoptive parents. These additional supports are available to help this special population forge even stronger family attachments and enhance their future relationships.


Teens who are currently receiving Adoption Assistance funds and/or have been in the custody of a state agency and are either in an adoptive placement or a finalized adoption may be eligible to participate in TAGS. Teens placed by Georgia DFCS into guardianship homes are also eligible to participate in TAGS. TAGS welcomes adopted and guardianship teens who will benefit from being part of a supportive group where participants may demonstrate mutual respect for and acceptance of others. This program may not be well suited for teens who have significant difficulty interacting within a large group setting.

Pre-registration is required for all participants, as space is limited at each host site.

Contact Carrie Steele-Pitts Home to register online at csph.org/tags.